You are in the right place with ASBC

ASBC has been on the market since 1996. The company offers equipment and various solutions in the IT segment, and also implements them into existing ecosystems. ASBC works in three directions: B2B, B2C and e-commerce. The company's partners include such major vendors as Apple, Lenovo, Prestigio, Logitech, Microsoft and others.
ASBC - your business innovation expert

Vacancies available in the region:

We are looking for the best of the best. If you are a 100% professional, know the main secrets of successful sales, easily remove customer objections and want to work with Apple technology, then this vacancy is exactly for you. B2B Sales Manager
B2B Sales Manager
B2B Product Manager

Working with ASBC, you get:

Mobile communications compensation.
Bonuses from our partners (extended corporate loyalty program).
Training from an Apple Certified Trainer.
Modern, comfortable office in the city center.
The official sales channel for Apple technology.
Competitive salary.
Work on Apple technology
(working Mac, iPhone).
Corporate taxi.
Free parking.

Didn't find the job you need?

If you didn't find the answer to your question,
write to us and we'll answer

+998 90 045 97 77
ASBC | Apple Premium Reseller
100053, Ташкент, ул. Козитарнов 50

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Legal address: 100053, Tashkent, st. Ukchi 3rd
Company details: TIN: 309 120 406, OKED: 46510
Bank details: account: 2020 8000 0054 7203 9001 in JSC "Aloqabank", MFO 00401